Kanall + + and Aqua + +
Its general features are that it is all in one single system for design of Storm/Waste/Combined system/Water supply networks with state-of-the-art GUI and object oriented technology. Retrieval of information of Node/Pipe/ Catchments etc., is possible at any point of time. It is an independent system and does not require any 3rd party software for database/ plotting.
Its import & export facilities are that it supports many formats of Raster Graphics & Vector Graphics. Import of Cadastral or Topographic maps as base map for planning. Import of Digital surface model, Satellite pictures & Aerial photographs. Direct interface to GIS software –Arc Info, Import/Export from & to ACAD/ MS EXCEL.
Built-in Sewer database (Material & Roughness parameters) in more than 50 shapes of sewer profile and also built-in Rainfall details & patterns.Expert-GUI
Manholes, Pipes & Catchments area can directly be digitized on the screen. Manholes, sewers details can also be imported through ASCII or vector graphics. Networks can be drawn by placing the Raster or Vector Base maps. Networks can be drawn in the flow direction or vise versa. 3D display of networks with Ground profile. Automatic numbering & labeling of Manholes, Pipes & Catchments.Analysis Functions: KANAL++
Supports multiple network analysis in one model (more than one inlet and out let). Networks contain open and closed sections with special structures can be analyzed. Networks contain multiple material, shape and size can be analyzed. Multiple Network Analysis in model (Sewerage/ Drainage/Combined). User can set the minimum and maximum depth of Excavation. Varying water consumption demands can be assigned for different zones/ streets/sewers. State-of-the-art Hydraulic and Hydro-dynamic analysis options. Design parameters like, peak factors, Per Capita consumption, External infiltration, Populations & material constants, d/D, Minimum Velocity & Minimum Sewer size can be given for the waste water network analysis. Design parameters like Pervious and Impervious ratios, Initial losses, Wetting losses, Evaporation losses, surface slope, Initial percolation & Final percolation parameters can be given for Storm water network analysis. Option to choose Manning Strickler or Prandtl Colebrook equat.ions for loss calculations.Analysis Functions: AQUA++
Very powerful and easy to use module. Design and accurate hydraulic simulation of Water Distribution networks. Modeling of water network contains Tanks, Reservoir, pipe, Pumps, Valves, Fittings etc. Built-in Material library, User defined demand pattern. Head loss calculations as per Colebrook-White, Hazen- Williams, Darcy-Weisbach & Chezy-Manning. Sewage Quality Analysis (Latest Module). Calculation of BOD / COD.Calculation of Sewage Pollution at out fall node and Overflow nodes.
NBM&CW August 2007