Free Solution for Preparing Survey Engineering Drawings Easily
Everyone keeping in phase with today's world will be using computer for their day-to-day work. Most of the people will be know at least a couple of softwares for doing their work like word or excel. For many people who are from non engineering skill can manage with simple application. But for engineers knowledge of CAD will be essential. It is also necessary to note that just by learning CAD engineers cannot utilise the computer fully, they are needed to know excel and some specific software which is related to their work. Here is a website ( which talks not only about CAD software but also about all the software's that are required to create a Survey Engineering Drawing.
For preparing Survey Drawing Knowledge of CAD, Excel, Google Earth and Survey Engineering Specific software are required. Also knowledge about how to do earthwork calculations, generate contours is also necessary.
CAD: AutoCAD is the most popular computer aided drafting tool among Survey Engineers. More than 95% of engineers (using cad software) in the world use AutoCAD for preparing Survey Engineering Drawing. Most of the drawings are done with metric units as a Practice in Surveying. CAD Softwares offer 1000s of commands, but there is absolutely no need to learn all those commands to prepare the drawing. This website offers free tutorials both in text and video for only those commands which are commonly used for preparing survey engineering drawings. So users can save a lot of time and learn only required commands.
Excel: Most of the computer users will know excel, but only the basics. By learning Excel little further they can leverage the capabilities of excels to great extent. It is kind of a must for engineers to know more than excel basics if they wish to accomplish their work easily. Also in many cases engineers will derive the parameter for their drawings using excel and further they prepare the drawing in Excel. Tutorials provided in this site try to address this specific need.
Google Earth: Google earth has become very necessary for Surveyors for planning their survey and verifying their work after they complete the survey. Google Earth as a software is used for many purposes and hence it is world's number one geo browser. It is necessary to convert Google earth data to drawing and vice versa in case of Survey Engineering drawings and in this site, there are tutorials specifically written to relate CAD and Google Earth.
Surveying Software: There are many softwares which are developed for preparing survey drawings. Normal cad packages don't offer features like preparing section drawings, contour drawing necessarily. There are Softwares like AutoCAD Civil 3D, Bentley, ESurveying Softwares which are specifically designed for addressing requirements of Survey Engineering Drawing. In this website help related to all ESurveying Products is provided with respective videos.
AutoLisp: Autolisp is a macro language supported by AutoCAD. Small programs written in Autolisp can save considerable time when working with CAD. In addition to all free tutorials you will see that Free Lisp programs and couple of free software's which are very useful for surveyors is updated free-of-cost in this website almost on weekly basis. Not only the program is free but also, all the source files related to these lisps are given in this website to help users. Those who have knowledge of AutoLisp can download and modify these lisps further to suit their specific requirement if any.
Krishna Kamath the author of the website narrates that - Slowly people are shifting from reading books to reading e-books. Advantage with e-book is that it can also include videos in addition to text. People can understand software's quickly instead of reading lot many texts. Moreover, when such e books are available on net people from all over the world will visit and take advantage. In addition, many people will ask further questions related to topic which has more interactive than publishing a book.
All the tutorial Programs and Software's provided in this site are absolutely free. This site has around 5000 unique visitors from month and total number of downloads from this site has already cross multiple thousands. Couple of articles published in this website is already printed in Print media also. As of now there are more than 1000 registered members and number of registrations is considerably growing day-by-day. Average time spent by the user on this page is also considerably high with respect to average time spent a blogs like this. All in all this site is kind of must for those who wish to quickly learn 'Creating Survey Drawings' easily. Please visit and take full benefit when you prepare civil engineering drawings.
For preparing Survey Drawing Knowledge of CAD, Excel, Google Earth and Survey Engineering Specific software are required. Also knowledge about how to do earthwork calculations, generate contours is also necessary.
CAD: AutoCAD is the most popular computer aided drafting tool among Survey Engineers. More than 95% of engineers (using cad software) in the world use AutoCAD for preparing Survey Engineering Drawing. Most of the drawings are done with metric units as a Practice in Surveying. CAD Softwares offer 1000s of commands, but there is absolutely no need to learn all those commands to prepare the drawing. This website offers free tutorials both in text and video for only those commands which are commonly used for preparing survey engineering drawings. So users can save a lot of time and learn only required commands.
Excel: Most of the computer users will know excel, but only the basics. By learning Excel little further they can leverage the capabilities of excels to great extent. It is kind of a must for engineers to know more than excel basics if they wish to accomplish their work easily. Also in many cases engineers will derive the parameter for their drawings using excel and further they prepare the drawing in Excel. Tutorials provided in this site try to address this specific need.
Google Earth: Google earth has become very necessary for Surveyors for planning their survey and verifying their work after they complete the survey. Google Earth as a software is used for many purposes and hence it is world's number one geo browser. It is necessary to convert Google earth data to drawing and vice versa in case of Survey Engineering drawings and in this site, there are tutorials specifically written to relate CAD and Google Earth.
Surveying Software: There are many softwares which are developed for preparing survey drawings. Normal cad packages don't offer features like preparing section drawings, contour drawing necessarily. There are Softwares like AutoCAD Civil 3D, Bentley, ESurveying Softwares which are specifically designed for addressing requirements of Survey Engineering Drawing. In this website help related to all ESurveying Products is provided with respective videos.
AutoLisp: Autolisp is a macro language supported by AutoCAD. Small programs written in Autolisp can save considerable time when working with CAD. In addition to all free tutorials you will see that Free Lisp programs and couple of free software's which are very useful for surveyors is updated free-of-cost in this website almost on weekly basis. Not only the program is free but also, all the source files related to these lisps are given in this website to help users. Those who have knowledge of AutoLisp can download and modify these lisps further to suit their specific requirement if any.
Krishna Kamath the author of the website narrates that - Slowly people are shifting from reading books to reading e-books. Advantage with e-book is that it can also include videos in addition to text. People can understand software's quickly instead of reading lot many texts. Moreover, when such e books are available on net people from all over the world will visit and take advantage. In addition, many people will ask further questions related to topic which has more interactive than publishing a book.
All the tutorial Programs and Software's provided in this site are absolutely free. This site has around 5000 unique visitors from month and total number of downloads from this site has already cross multiple thousands. Couple of articles published in this website is already printed in Print media also. As of now there are more than 1000 registered members and number of registrations is considerably growing day-by-day. Average time spent by the user on this page is also considerably high with respect to average time spent a blogs like this. All in all this site is kind of must for those who wish to quickly learn 'Creating Survey Drawings' easily. Please visit and take full benefit when you prepare civil engineering drawings.
NBM&CW November 2013