Eros Parking Systems
With the ever increasing growth in the population of automobiles in all the urban centres in India, and the limited space available to accommodate these vehicles, parking has become a major issue for urban planners and developers to tackle.
While the population of Mumbai is 13 million, there are 1.3 million vehicles on the roads of Mumbai. Just as multistoried buildings are inevitable to address the population growth in the city, Automated Multilevel car parking systems, seems to be the answer to the problem of parking the growing no. of vehicles.
Stack Parking
This system enables 2 cars to be stacked one above the other. It is an electro mechanical device that works on the principle of screw jack operated by means of an electric motor.
It is a dependant system, which means that the lower car has to be removed for the upper car to come down.
This system is suitable for residential / commercial buildings, malls etc.
Puzzle Parking
This system is designed in the form of a matrix of rows & columns, such as 2 x 2 or 2 x 3 or 3 x 3 etc.
Out of the total no. of available spots, a certain no. of spots are kept vacant to enable horizontal and vertical movement of remaining spots like a puzzle.
This is an independent system, unlike the stack parking system and is fully automatic.
This system is suitable for basements, podiums or open spaces in commercial & residential establishments.
Tower Parking
This system enables 50 cars to be parked on a foot print of 3 cars i.e. on an area of 7.5 m x 7.5 m.
The tower is either of steel or concrete structure 50 m tall. There is a central lifter, which lifts the car and shifts on either side having a vacant spot. This is a fully automatic system with no human intervention. Average retrieval time is 1½ minutes.
A turn table is provided to ensure that the car leaves in the forward direction.
Ideally suited for plots where podium parking is not possible.
About EROS
Eros Elevators Private Limited Is a 60 year old company, in the business of vertical transportation. The Car Parking division was introduced 5 years ago and the company has acquired technology from a leading South Korean design house.
The company has installed a no. of Stack, Puzzle and Tower parking systems for various residential and commercial projects. Currently various projects are in the pipeline.

While the population of Mumbai is 13 million, there are 1.3 million vehicles on the roads of Mumbai. Just as multistoried buildings are inevitable to address the population growth in the city, Automated Multilevel car parking systems, seems to be the answer to the problem of parking the growing no. of vehicles.
Stack Parking
This system enables 2 cars to be stacked one above the other. It is an electro mechanical device that works on the principle of screw jack operated by means of an electric motor.
- It doubles the parking capacity.
- Very simple to handle.
- Needs low maintenance.
- Takes less space to install.
- Cost effective.
- Can be lowered and raised mechanically under power failure.

This system is suitable for residential / commercial buildings, malls etc.
Puzzle Parking
This system is designed in the form of a matrix of rows & columns, such as 2 x 2 or 2 x 3 or 3 x 3 etc.
Out of the total no. of available spots, a certain no. of spots are kept vacant to enable horizontal and vertical movement of remaining spots like a puzzle.
This is an independent system, unlike the stack parking system and is fully automatic.
This system is suitable for basements, podiums or open spaces in commercial & residential establishments.
Tower Parking
This system enables 50 cars to be parked on a foot print of 3 cars i.e. on an area of 7.5 m x 7.5 m.
The tower is either of steel or concrete structure 50 m tall. There is a central lifter, which lifts the car and shifts on either side having a vacant spot. This is a fully automatic system with no human intervention. Average retrieval time is 1½ minutes.
A turn table is provided to ensure that the car leaves in the forward direction.
Ideally suited for plots where podium parking is not possible.
About EROS
Eros Elevators Private Limited Is a 60 year old company, in the business of vertical transportation. The Car Parking division was introduced 5 years ago and the company has acquired technology from a leading South Korean design house.
The company has installed a no. of Stack, Puzzle and Tower parking systems for various residential and commercial projects. Currently various projects are in the pipeline.
NBM&CW July 2010