Chowgule Presents Koster Crisin 76
Chowgule Koster India Construction Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. introduces a Koster Crisin 76—a total solution for Rising Dampness in Mineral substrates and walls.Rising dampness in mineral substrates and walls is a natural enemy to the durability of any structure. This occurs due to the rising of moisture in the capillaries and pores in walls. This could be due to the dampness or water present in the sub–soil.

The Koster Crisin borehole injection method is the only known method available worldwide that offers a total solution to this problem. This method is used to install a subsequent horizontal barrier in any mineral construction material where the original rising damp barrier has failed. The Koster Crisin 76 is a pressure less injection system and once injected into the wall, using the cartridge method, creates a resin based impregnable horizontal barrier along the bottom most part of the wall and cuts off the upward movement of moisture though capillary action. This method can be used for arresting rising dampness in walls of various substrates ranging from brick work, block work, stone work, lime mortar walls, earthen wall, and, even concrete walls. It seals rising damp especially in very damp and salty substrates.
The Koster Crisin 76 is a very thin synthetic resin. It penetrates deep into the tiniest capillaries and pores of the substrate. The Koster Crisin distinguishes itself by a very low specific gravity and surface tension that is much lower than that of water. The result is that the Koster Crisin displaces the water in the capillaries. It coats the capillaries and make them water repellant. The curing of the injection material is independent of the curing process in the masonry. The Koster Crisin 76 remains flexible even after full cure and does not deteriorate. One of the unique properties of this resin is that it is neutral and causes no efflorescence on the substrate surface. The Koster Crisin 76 resist all conventional masonry compounds as well as acids, alkalies and salts. Further, it does not attack reinforcement steel.
The Koster Crisin 76 product and its application has been established in over 40 countries and over the past decade has established itself as a popular and reliable brand for providing a solution for rising dampness in mineral substrates.

In India, Koster Crisin 76 has been introduced over the last year in Mumbai, Gujarat and Goa and has achieved excellent results in complicated cases to the fullest satisfaction of our customers.