Innovative & Sustainable Waterproofing Solutions from BASF
The concept of waterproofing is initially developed to avoid water ingress due to rains and when people started using expensive utilities and equipment inside the building, it becomes utmost important subject to study on.
With the subject of waterproofing becoming common, structures are recognized to get waterproofing treatments but it takes time to realize the reason for leakage and failures to act resulted in unusable structures as they were not water proofed in time.
Developments right from the cheap and simple bituminous coatings, through a slew of waterproofing materials, to the latest two component spray applied materials have continued though their adaptation has been hampered occasionally due to over emphasis on initial costs.
One such innovative technology, the spray applied, two component polyurethane waterproofing system has been a late bloomer in Indian context, despite its over a quarter century of flawless performance – without ever needing re-application – in a variety of structures and substrates from new reinforced concrete to plywood, PVC, colourbond steel, copper, other metals, stone, tiles (glazed and terracotta), brick, polystyrene and concrete that has applied bitumen or other materials applied over concrete, also this system can be customised for trafficked podiums, inverted or covered membrane roofs.
This has been a proven technology suitable for all climatic conditions faced across Asia from severe winters of Mongolia to tropics of Singapore and to searing heat of Australian outback.
This paper discusses the key features of the system that has made this technology so sustainable for modern construction practices.