Gubbi's Terrace Waterproofing Solutions

Terrace Waterproofing Solution
A mix of acrylic polymer, cement and other admixtures applied on the concrete/cemented surface in layer with special application methods have proved as the most effective method for waterproofing the terrace slab.Owing to the vast experience, the company offers Terrace Waterproofing Service, which involves these three steps:
- Crack filling of existing terrace:- Open the crack, clean the surface thoroughly, Filling the cracks by polymer putty including polymer coat etc.
- Applying screed based polymer coating in two coats:- Cleaning the existing waterproofing layer, Filling the cracks, applying one coat of polymer, providing and laying screed coarse etc. (5 years guarantee for this method)
- With EPDM Membrane Waterproofing:- Applying EPDM membrane single layer with adhesive tape, laying concrete geotech cloth with suitable compound. The joint of tape shall be sealed with splice tape etc. complete. (20 years guarantee for this method).
Areas of application:
- Commercial/Residential buildings
- Industrial buildings.
- Waterproofing a variety of substrates
Advantages of Terrace Waterproofing:
- Easily applied by roller, brush or airless spray
- Flexible - capable of bridging cracks
- Protective - barrier against salts and atmospheric gases
- High-build - masking imper- fections in substrates
- Waterproof - protects concrete from waterborne salts
- U.V. stable - maintains its appearance