Mould Release Agent Nafuplan K / Nafuplan U-ST
Nafuplan U-ST is ready to use, non-staining mould release agent especially suitable for steel and other non-absorbent shuttering. It is combination of highly specialized mould release oil and a special high quality release agents. The presence of this specially chosen release agent imparts excellent release properties to the shuttering, thereby rendering the demoulded surfaces extremely smooth and even. Nafuplan U-ST is extremely suitable for application in tropical areas. Long-term application also helps reduce wear and tear of shuttering surfaces; thereby increasing its service life.
The shuttering surfaces to be coated should be clean and free from remnants of concrete and cement splashes. These materials are applied by means of suitable spraying devices, brushes or cotton rags. Care should be exercised to see that the applied film is thin and that no concentrated spots are visible. This helps avoid the adhesion of the cement slurry to the formwork surfaces as well as prevent the adhesion of the release film to the demoulded surfaces.