PMP Industries Sees Positive Signs in the Indian Market

Please give an overview of PMP Drive System operations’ in India. What prompted PMP Industries Spa to set up its unit in the Indian sub continent?

A word about PMP Industries Spa and its business focus on enhancing efficiency and durability of PMP products.

An example of this innovative approach in past years: at the end of 1990’s PMP was the first company in the world to develop specific products for forklift drives with high speed-high efficiency AC solutions. An example of innovation in the present: PMP will present at Excon a new concrete mixer drive with weight and size reduction up to 40%. This means lighter machines, lower costs and higher yield of the machine at the end of the day.
Innovation for the future? We are already working on a new generation of drives (both mechanical and hydraulic) which will be characterized by: the use of innovative materials to allow extreme weight and space reduction, the optimization of contact profiles for gears and the maximization of power density. The results will be amazing!
What are PMP Drive System’s important business area, product line and their application areas?
PMP Industries is a group made up of different divisions: Power Transmission Division, Fluid Power Division, and other two division focused on Steel Works products.

The Fluid Power division designs and manufactures innovative hydraulic transmissions: pumps and motors of different sizes, specifically designed for heavy duty high pressure applications, working in the range of 450 bar peak pressures. PMP fluid power products find their natural application on PMP Power Transmission gearboxes, thus representing complete solutions for the mobile construction industry.
The Steel Works Divisions are focused on complete machines, heavy metal fabrications and manufacturing of special rolls for the steel industry.
Having tested waters in the Indian market; what has been the response of the industry for the company’s product range marketed in India?

Currently your company is serving Indian market through local sales and inventory; do you foresee that in the near future you would be in a position to set up manufacturing facilities in India to strengthen your presence in the country?

A word about your marketing and distribution network in India.
Our Indian headquarters are based in Pune but our customers are spread all over India. The main areas for our business are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Delhi region. With our well-stocked warehouse for both finished products and spare parts, we can guarantee rapid deliveries all over the country.
What is the size of market for your products and services in India, market share you command and plans to capture in the next 2-3 years? What is the USP of your product and services, giving you an edge over your nearest competitors?

Our most important selling points are: 1) Flexibility: to rapidly adapt to the market conditions and demands. Offering short lead times (i.e., below 12 weeks) is one of our continuous goals 2) Innovation: we constantly develop new products with new and patented solutions 3) Competitiveness: our global sourcing policy and our lean structure allow us to have the most competitive prices on the market 4) Integration: being both a producer of gearboxes and hydraulic transmissions we can integrate these products in smart solutions which have no competition in the market.
A word about the technical support services being provided to the clients in India.
PMP is well known around the world for its fast response to customers’ requests, whether this means technical support, technical information, creative solutions but also after sales support, like spare parts availability. PMP India is following the same philosophy.
What is the focus of your participation in Excon-2011 and products are you going to display at the event?

The second theme is focused on our new range of drives for hydraulic excavators, which includes track drives and swing drives for excavators ranging from 6 to 50 tons. Innovative solutions in the hydraulic motors are presented and they set a new technical philosophy in this highly competitive business. There are many innovations that we have introduced in these products, many of them newly patented: new high pressure philosophy, new mechanical solutions in the distribution of forces, new solutions for the brake efficiency and temperature.
In both these themes we are expecting a great response from customers and visitors, and we are sure it will be a very successful Excon exhibition for PMP.