Dynemix India

Jignesh Patel, Managing Partner

We are making products as per the standards and features desired by OEMs.
Dynemix is manufacturing a wide range of products comprising dust collectors, slope compactors, work-behind rollers, ride on rollers, plate compactors, concrete placers, concrete reclaimers, solutions for aggregate and concrete slurry reuse, and concrete bucket attachments. The work-behind rollers, slope compactors, and some other products are made as per the standards and features desired by the OEMs. The choice of engine and color is also specified by them.
With our mass production capability we are keeping costs low.
The market for bar cutting and bending machines is dominated by a fair number of players. Dynemix’s strategy of mass production keeps the per unit cost of production lower, which gives it a competitive edge, while also allowing it to keep its operating margins stable.