THEAM Conveyor Belt
It is also a solution for ready-mix concrete producers to compensate the loss of volume by a value added service during crises.
In Thailand, 26 units have been mounted during Theam Asia Pacific’s first year of activity. Most of these being used by CPAC, a leader of ready-mix concrete in Thailand. Hoping to increase their market share, they see the THEAM Concrete Conveyor Belt as a means to offer their customers more services.
A THEAM Conveyor Belt gets the job done quicker with less manpower. There is no need for coordination between the pump, crane and delivery of concrete.
Return on investment made on THEAM Concrete Conveyor Belts takes between 6 to 18 months, depending on the country. The conveyor belt is eight times cheaper than a concrete pump, and maintenance is so easy that it can be done by the truck driver himself.
The THEAM engineers have developed 12 different models of Mix-Mounted Concrete Conveyor Belts. The biggest one, a best-seller in Europe, is a 16.5m long, double telescopic conveyor that can deliver concrete up to 9m in height. For the moment, most Asian mixer trucks having 3 axles (6X4), they do not allow for a longer than 12m, aluminum conveyor. For the Japanese market, where the mixer trucks are small (2 axles), THEAM has developed a special 8m conveyor in aluminum.
Over the past three years, production has gone up 30% annually. Although, all of it, is currently located in France part of it will soon be moved to Asia to satisfy increasing local demand as THEAM always tries to adapt its product to its customers specific needs and climatic imperatives.