Vertical Material Handling Equipment Flying High
The Vertical Material Handling segment has been a very hot subject for the past few years and the market has registered an outstanding improvement during 2006 – 08 in the demand of Tower Cranes, Passenger & Material Hoist, Suspended Rope Platform, and Climbing Platform.
About 80% of market share in this segment is being addressed by the Chinese Products. Various companies in India are representing multiple brands from China and marketing their products catering to the Indian market requirements. For example, China's construction machinery manufacturer, Huata is being represented by Escorts Construction Equipment Ltd and Zoomlion by Action Construction Equipment (ACE). Similarly, Syncon Enterprise, a 100% Chinese subsidiary is currently representing its 4 national brands and Spartan on the other side represents Chinese companies, JYW and GJJ while Hyderabad - based CMAC is representing CNBM International.
Esquire and CMAC have worked together for a while to study the market requirements and also helping the infrastructure fraternity and now they have decided to get together keeping focus on their core strength.
Esquire is a well - known company manufacturing Concrete Equipment and Material Handling Equipment for the past 25 years and representing both good brand image and brand recall. Whereas CMAC has strengthened its marketing division and the after sales technical support divisions. In addition, it also provides consultancy in terms of mechanization for various infrastructure sites.
The new joint venture enables the group to penetrate at the entry level segments and provides basic manufacturing services to the top and value added segments making available total solutions addressing the client’s requirements. Brand (Esquire – CMAC) will try to gain a fortified position in the vertical and horizontal material handling at the construction sites and at other infrastructure segments. The philosophy adopted is to bring the technology at par with Germany and keeping the pricing strategy at par with Chinese alongside retaining the Indian adoption usage of the equipment.
The benefit of this brand should give delight to the end - user both from his working expectation and lighter on his budget. The group will concentrate on Tower Crane, Passenger and Material Hoist, Mast Climbing Platform & Suspended Rope Platforms, and Concrete Placers.