Electric Fork Lift
OMG's Ergos embodies state-of the- art technology, offering excellent performance under all working conditions. Each component is properly tested and subjected to the strictest trials in order to achieve a competitive and satisfactory product. The driving units, electronic controls and lift masts conform to the highest quality standards, constituting a real asset to this family of products. These are divided into two large categories called TP, with rear-wheel drive single motor, and TA with front-wheel drive twin motor. The "family feeling" which permeates the whole of the Ergo range is the result of thorough design which has turned the ergonomics of our trucks into a feature of considerable commercial value. Detailed analysis of the operator’s activities and posture has provided data and innovative information to incorporate in the design, after assessment of the man-truck relationship and the operating process. Thanks to this approach applied to the relationship between person, machine and environment, we can offer a machine which integrates fully into a variety of production situations.

The monobloc construction ensures maximum stability and superior mechanical strength in all traction and stacking situations, maintaining high residual capacities even at maximum height. The battery compartment is accessible by simply lifting the seat support, so facilitating daily and periodical battery checks and recharging.
Operator's Driving Position
The result of a thorough ergonomic study combining operating comfort with modern industrial design. Each control is easy to reach, ensuring productivity and precision and so full efficiency:
- Comfortable suspended seat with longitudinal adjustment and adjustment in accordance with the operator's weight
- Height and depth adjustable steering wheel
- Non-slip foot platform
- Covers made of ABS (acrylonitrilebutadienestyrol) capable of absorbing heavy impact without deformation
- Logic Control panel for monitoring battery charge, displaying the gradual extinguishment of vertical digital bars with a block on lifting function when maximum battery discharge has been reached, the operating hours, the position of the turning wheel and alarms in 5 languages.
Separate excitation motors capable of meeting the most demanding performance requirements, delivering the necessary power under all load conditions as the translation speed depends exactly on the accelerator position.
Hydraulic functions
Powerful and noiseless lift motor offering the highest performance.
All the hydraulic functions are microprocessor controlled and ensure precise and safe load handling for the operator.
The OMG masts are constructed from external wrap-around mast section to ensure torsional and bending rigidity, offer wide visibility and are available with the following characteristics:
- Duplex and triplex with total free lift and lift range from 3.200 to 6.200 mm
- Braking system on lift cylinders for linear movement without jolts, thus improving load stability
- Integrated side-shift to avoid forward movement of the centre of gravity and maintain optimum residual capacities at all lifting heights.
Electronic system
The entire Ergos range is equipped with high frequency electronic devices, microprocessor and energy recovery achieved by releasing the accelerator pedal.
Independent braking systems throughout the range:
- electric braking with energy recovery on reversal of direction of travel
- electric braking with energy recovery on release of the accelerator pedal
- manual parking brake with drive inhibition
- hydraulic braking on the load wheels
Hydraulically-operated power steering for safe and precise steering which is highly responsive and ensures truck control at all times. Height and depth adjustable steering wheel offering unique driving comfort. Available optional extras and features:
- multifunction single and twin joystick with integrated drive reversal, positioned on armrest
- mini joysticks (finger tip), positioned on armrest
- additional hydraulic function
- reversing light
- revolving light
- working lights
- road lights system
- front windscreen with windscreen wiper