Combo X70 - Mobile Sand Washing Plant to Make Manufactured Sand

The most trusted alternative to sand is Manufactured sand (also known as M-sand). This technology helps alleviate the risks associated with natural sand procurement. By de-risking the construction sector from heavy price volatility, dependence on illegal sand supply – manufactured sand provides uninterrupted supply and consistent quality, which no institution related to the natural and river sand regulations has been able to deliver.
Manufactured sand as a concept, has many manifestations in the current Indian market. Unwashed quarry dust, crusher dust (both 2&3 stage) is being passed by that name. To take care of the excessive ultrafines/silt in the so-called Sand, cleaning system has been introduced. Many such introductions like bucket classifiers and screw classifiers have, however, failed to deliver on the promise. These old age technologies can neither produce correct sized product nor are the products free from deleterious slimes & silt to the required extent. Another major drawback of these plants is their inability to handle varying feed types. The only reliable technology to produce manufactured sand is a highly challenging technical process involving washing and grading of sand. CDE is the pioneer of this concept and a global leader with its cutting-edge sand technology operating across the planet. This technology uses quarry dust, crusher dust or river-bed material as the raw/feed material to produce the highest quality ready-to-use graded sand, meeting Zone II quality specification under IS 383 for the construction industry. In CDE technology along with Zone II grade concrete sand, some amount of Zone IV sand for plaster can also be produced. The production levels would depend upon feed material characteristics. Recently, CDE has also developed a technology for using the rejected sludge of sand plant for making bricks.
Combo 7-in-1 Mobile Solution for washed manufactured sand

CDE’s flagship Combo sand washing system delivers washed, dewatered, and well-graded Zone II concrete sand. This is RMC-ready, impurity-free, vastu-friendly sand that is being readily used for manufacturing low-cost higher durability concrete.
Combo denotes the word ‘combination’ of 7 functions of green wet processing technology that will save water, land, and energy and not create pollution hazards at project site.
The compact plant incorporates all the actions involved in washing process e.g. screening, classification, dewatering, water management etc. in a single chassis. This enables the plant to be installed in a small area with attendant advantages of lower power & water consumption and thus, low operating cost.
While washing sand, as a concept, is more than 20 years old, effectiveness of the unique design of combo has been proved with nation-wide installation & overseas enabling our customers maximize the quality, value and yield of their low value raw material reserves.
The green footprint of Combo ensures that no water is wasted, all fractions of the material is made useful, clean power is used and energy requirement is lowest per ton of feed, no environment hazard due to discharge of liquid or effluent from the plant, no dust at the working site, and the noise level is lower the prescribed limits.
The basic objective of this plant is the production of concrete grade of sand meeting BS specifications. The performance of the plant has been found to be highly satisfactory and the product quality is as desired. A typical data for concrete sand obtained from CDE plant, is given below in Table 1&2:

It may be observed that the washed manufactured sand produced by CDE technology successfully meets all the standard specifications needed to qualify for concrete manufacture.
The need of the hour for the government and NGO’s, is to educate the construction industry and the retail users about the threats of using sub-standard quality of manufactured sand. In India, there have been many instances of unprocessed quarry dust/crusher dust being sold as manufactured sand. Crusher Dust is the by-product formed during the production of crushed aggregates and it is often angular, sub-angular or flaky in shape, unstable in particle size distribution, rough in surface texture. Owing to complaints, officials of the Mines and Geology Department in India, will soon begin checking the quality of the sand commodity at not only the manufacturing unit, but also during transportation and at construction sites. Such action is necessary to instill confidence among the people over the use of M-sand, which has become a viable alternative to river sand ever since the Supreme Court banned in-stream mining in India.
Most high growth urban centers in India – Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, etc. – face recurring supply side shocks pertaining to sand. This problem has persisted and shall continue to persist, given the nature and pace of growth in India. A tested and successful solution for the construction industry to smoothen the bumps in the mineral procurement and to foster high growth is to adapt to manufactured-sand produced by authentic methods of sand washing. CDE has partnered with numerous corporations around the globe, and particularly in India, to customize washing solutions for sand. It is time to take the right step forward and find CDE as your preferred sand solution provider.