Sharp Ply Keeping Ready Stock of H-Beams at Warehouses Across India
Sharp Ply (India) in association with Mywood, Germany is positioned as a strong player in the formwork market. The company has been dealing with H20 Beams (EN13377 Certified) since 2016 and is also importing H16 Beams to meet the requirements at project sites across India.
The H16 Beams are equipped with the same web as H20 of 27mm, extending the load taking capacity of the product even further to its general competition. Looking at the current situation with logistical imbalance in the post-pandemic era, Sharp Ply is now ready with both dimensions in sizeable quantities and lengths at its warehouses present in Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Raipur (C.G.), Surat, Vijayawada, and Vishakhapatnam.
The H16 Beams are equipped with the same web as H20 of 27mm, extending the load taking capacity of the product even further to its general competition. Looking at the current situation with logistical imbalance in the post-pandemic era, Sharp Ply is now ready with both dimensions in sizeable quantities and lengths at its warehouses present in Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Raipur (C.G.), Surat, Vijayawada, and Vishakhapatnam.
NBM&CW August 2022