Unipave showcases Sensor Paver Finishers and upcoming Tractor Grader Attachment

Unipave Engineering Products displayed its Sensor Paver Finisher Model ESP-05 with a 6.0-meter screed width for paving bituminous materials. It also promoted its international quality wheel-mounted Sensor Paver Finisher Model ASP-075 that comes with a 2.75 to 7.5-meter screed width, equalizer beam system for rear wheels, 169-hp Ashok Leyland engine, MOBA Matic sensor devices, and MOBA control panel.
Unipave also introduced its upcoming product Tractor Grader Attachment Model UG-22, which the company has developed as an economical option to the regular graders in the market.

Mr. Vishal Surelia, Managing Partner, said, “Our latest Sensor Paver Model ASP-075 and our upcoming product Tractor Grader Attachment have received a very positive response. Through our innovative solutions and quality products, and reliable after-sales services, we have demonstrated our commitment to our customers.”