SEMW off-shore Pile driving Equipment and Solution in Chinese Big Projects

There are two ways of off-shore pile driving: Hammer guided and traveling on the Leader of piling driving pontoon and Hammer equipped with Rope Suspended Lead (RSL) operated by a floating crane.
The Hammer Guided Fixed Leader is a precise way to drive the pile with high positioning accuracy, which is mostly used in the cross-sea bridges, and wind mill projects. It is widely used and almost all the off-shore piling contractors will have big or small piling pontoon with fixed Leader around the world. In China, the biggest piling pontoon is equipped with 95m Leader to drive 80m long above water pile in one complete piece.

Each pair of the Fly Guide and Rib pieces for Trip Gear is customized to make the standard model hammer connecting and traveling onto the different size of Leader. The special designed heavy-duty pile helmet has run in the job site to endure more than 500 thousands hits of impact in the toughest job site environment.
The RSL piling method is popular in the off-shore natural gas and oil rig pile-driving. SEMW has innovated DS series Lead for Vertical and DX series Lead for Batter pile driving, able to equip with all models of diesel hammer fleet to drive super big off-shore pile. The complex design makes the Upper Lead and Lower part Helmet into one piece and adjustable to the different size of pile through the ribs inside.
The operation of the SEMW hammer offshore is almost same as it on land. The electrical and hydraulic vibro hammers will soon join SEMW products fleet to form one-stop pile driving solution in India big projects.