DAWSON's Innovative Piling Equipment

DCP products range includes Hydraulic Impact Hammers, Excavator Mounted Vibros, Excavator Mounted Drills, CFA auger cleaners, Push-Pull system, Pile Extraction machine, Sheet Pile Capping System, Sheet Pile Threaders, and so on.
DAWSON’s range of Double Acting Hydraulic Impact Hammers is the fastest in the world, providing blow rates from 80 to 120 per minute at maximum energy. Dawson hammers use hydraulics to lift the ram weight and to accelerate the ram down thus providing an increase in impact, increased energy and therefore momentum which is the force that drives the pile. Dawson hammers have a range of ram weights from 1 tonne to 12 tonnes and can be used for driving sheet piles of all sections either in singles or pairs, H-beams and tubes up to 2.6m in diameter. These fast double acting hammers provide high work rates in all conditions ensuring timely completion of the contracts.
Dawson’s range of Excavator Mounted Vibros (EMV) cover a wide range from 5 tonnes to 55 tonnes, using the hydraulic power of the excavator to run the hydraulic motors. Each machine comes with its own stand for when not in use and a safety chain to lift the piles from horizontal to the vertical pitching position to start driving. All machines are easy to maintain and the larger models can drive in pairs of piles. By using a Cassion beam adaptor with two jaws you can drive tubes upto 1100mm in diameter.
Dawson also makes an Excavator Mounted Drills (EMD) that can be easily fitted to the boom of the excavator perfect for low head room site conditions or drilling over obstructions, the torque range from 17.5 to 48.5 kNm and a High Power to Weight ratio mean that these Drills are very versatile moving around site, where ever the excavator goes one can drill a vertical hole.
Dawson’s unique CFA auger cleaners allow spoil from continuous flight augers to be removed at the lowest possible level so as to prevent rig instability and avoid injury to personnel or damage to machinery due to falling debris. Units are custom built to suit customers drilling rigs and auger specifications. An auger cleaner can be adapted to a variety of different auger diameters and pitches using alternative shells. The shell, or barrel, is attached to the underside of the auger cleaner drive. Auger cleaners provide a fast, powerful and productive means of cleaning all soil types from a continuous flight auger. This becomes increasingly important as the diameters increase, particularly with heavy soils. Models are available to clean auger diameters from 300 to 2,000mm, depending on rig specification.
Dawson produces a Silent and Vibration less Push-Pull system that will push or extract piles into the ground, being perfect for inner city areas where vibration and impact hammers can damage surrounding buildings. Modules can be configured to drive Z, U and H piles either in crane suspended mode or attached to a leader rig system. In simple terms, the Push-Pull system works by gripping on some of the PROFILES for a reaction and driving one at a time, and then moving to the next pile and gripping on the rest, in so doing working backwards and forwards along the set. It can also work in reverse to extract silently.
Dawson manufactures a Universal Pile Extraction machine that can extract all sections i.e. Z, U, piles, H beams and also Tubes out of the ground with either a 400 or 1000 tonnes of force making it a unique machine in the world of piling. This silent extracting machine has an extraction rate of 3m per min. and is safer than using a vibrator or pulling with a crane.
The Dawson’s Sheet Pile Capping System provides a fast economical method of support shuttering for capping beams on permanent sheet piling works such as River banks, Jetties and anywhere a concrete cap has to be constructed. The labor saving systems hangs off the pile wall and is easily assembled and dismantled so it can be moved along the pile wall and support the next section of cap to be constructed.
Dawson has made over 15,000 Remote Release Lifting shackles which have been sold worldwide for the past 35 years and have become the standard device for lifting steel piles from the horizontal to the vertical when pitching. Each shackle has been physically tested to twice its SWL and designed to lift 5 times this level e.g, A 10 tonnes shackle has been tested to 20 tonnes and is designed to lift 50 tonnes thus building in a very high safety factor. All Dawson’s steel handling and lifting products are built to these same safety standards thus maintain the highest safety standards on site.

Dawson has supplied Sheet Pile Guide Frames to contractors around the world to enable sheet piles to be installed accurately and safely when using Vibros and Impact Hammers. Spans of 14 or 26m provide a solid beam at ground level to guide the piles into the ground and a walk way at either 4m or 6m above the ground, which has the additional feature of a guard rail to provide safety for the operator.