CONTROLS Testing Equipment at INTERMAT
Concrete Technology

BARTRACKER 58-E6102 Concrete covermeter
The BARTRACKER covermeter is able to accurately determine where the metal is, even when there are complicated crossings of mesh support structures and can locate tendon ducts deep within the structure. This takes the guesswork out of rebar and pipe location. The cover display screen shows you everything you need to know. Screens can be backlit for ease of viewing in dark conditions.58-E4800 Ultrasonic pulse velocity tester to measure the velocity of propagation of ultrasonic pulses through concrete.
Road Testing
The application of this unit is for determining the rheologic properties of bituminous mixtures with tension, compression and dynamic loading. Base system capable of applying loads up to 14 kN comprising: test frame, pneumatic actuator, pneumatic interface, filters, regulators, connection etc. The load frame includes the IMACS Control and Data Acquisition System.
48-D5252 for the determination of the polished stone value
It is used to measure the resistance of road stone to the polishing action of vehicle tyres on a road surface. This machine provides a method of preparing polished stone specimens for use with the friction tester - (48-B0190 also on display) –when used in a laboratory environment.76-B0252 Gyratory Compactor ICT 250 Series

Soil & Rock Mechanics
AUTOTRIAX System: The automatic triaxial system expandible in subsequent modular step for: Effective stress, Stress path, Permeability and Unsaturated tests. Able to control up to three independent systems.The AUTOTRIAX Automatic Triaxial System not only can perform Effective Stress triaxial tests, but is the unique and indispensable apparatus to perform the Stress Path triaxial test. In fact, this test is performed to allow the engineering to replicate the changes in stress conditions soil sample subjected to compression and extension both in loading and unloading status.
The permeability test and the unsaturated soil testing can be automatically performed with the AUTOTRIAX system using the appropriate accessories.