In the present study, the experimental investigations were carried out to compare the vertical and oblique behavior of Granular Anchor Pile (GAP) and Group Piles of 2 & 4 GAP in cohesionless soil. A model testing program was designed and single GAP, 2 & 4 GAP having different ratio of length (L) to diameter (D) and spacing(S) to diameter (D) installed in cohesionless soil having a relative density of 65%. Single GAP, 2 & 4 GAP were subjected to vertical and oblique pullout loads. They were tested at an angle of load inclination of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° . Ultimate pullout capacity of GAP and group piles were estimated from the load displacement curves by tangent intersection method. It is inferred from the experimental investigations that ultimate pullout capacity under vertical as well as oblique pullout loads decreases as angle of load inclination increases with the pile axis. The laboratory results also revealed that the ultimate pullout capacity increases with increase in L/D ratio but decreases beyond 2.75 S/D ratio.
Jaswant Singh, M.Tech. Geotech.(Hons.) Research Scholar,
Dr. Anupam Mital, Dr. V.K. Arora, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India
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