Brick Kilns and their Effect on Environment
Bricks are traditional building materials which hold a lot of importance in Indian architecture. Brick manufacture in India and also in some parts of the world still use the traditional firing technique. After China, India is the second largest manufacturer of bricks, producing over 10 percent of the global production, andIn developed countries, the simple kilns have been replaced by continuous tunnel kilns that produce millions of high-quality bricks in less time. For India’s brick industry to survive, it should modernize its kilns.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUA) is examining whether it can ban use of burnt-clay bricks in its construction projects, a move aimed to boost environment-friendly products. If the Government bans burnt clay bricks, it would be a big blow to the brick-kiln industry. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) too had ordered that digging of earth for making bricks without prior environment clearance (EC), be banned.