The IHT Ingenieur- Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH / Arge Ersatzneubau EÜ Mainzer Straße in Darmstadt commissioned Riga Mainz to replace several aging Deutsche Bahn railway bridges. SPMT axle lines from SCHEUERLE along with a very special lifting system allowed the crane company and heavy-load haulier to carry out the assignments very cost-effectively and quickly.
Riga Mainz was required to realise this very special task for the first bridge during the course of only one weekend, thereby replacing a railway bridge in need of refurbishment with a new, 320-ton concrete structure, and without removing the overhead lines. The bridge is one of eight that run parallel to each other and cross the Mainzer Strasse in Darmstadt. The crane and heavy-load haulier from Mainz had been tasked to gradually replace all of them. There was, however, just one catch: while the first bridge is located close to the road, every other bridge is positioned six metres deeper in the direction of the track bed.
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Lifting & Specialized Transport July-September 2020