Steps to Improve Roads on Black Cotton Soils
D V Bhavanna Rao, Superintending Engineer, R&B Circle, Guntur.
Generally, lands with black cotton soils are fertile and very good for agriculture, horticulture, sericulture and aquaculture. Good irrigation systems exist, rainfall is high and people are affluent in these areas. Though black cotton soils are very good for agricultural purposes, they are not so good for laying durable roads. Good road network is a basic requirement for the allround development of an area. Unfortunately, poor road network is hampering the full fledged development of the otherwise prosperous areas.
For developing a good and durable road network in black cotton soil areas, the nature of soils shall be properly understood. Black cotton soils absorb water heavily, swell, become soft and lose strength. Black cotton soils are easily compressible when wet and possesses a tendency to heave during wet condition. BC soils shrink in volume and develop cracks during summer. They are characterised by extreme hardness and cracks when dry. The stability and performance of the pavements are greatly influenced by the sub grade and embankment as they serve as foundations for pavements. On such soils suitable construction practices and sophisticated methods of design are to be adopted. In the present paper, reasons for poor condition of roads in B.C soils and measures to be taken for construction and improvement of roads on BC soils are presented.
Following are some of the important reasons for poor condition of roads in BC soil terrain.