Roller Compacted Concrete For Pavement Applications
Roller Compacted Concrete is an innovative technology gaining popularity in the recent past due to some of the positive points like low cost of construction, speed in construction, and the possibility of using mineral admixtures obtained from industrial wastes like Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS).
Dr. S. Krishna Rao, Professor and Head - Civil Engineering Department, Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) has been developed as a new construction material during the 1960s for dam applications. ACI 325.10R defines Roller Compacted Concrete as concrete compacted by vibratory roller. By definition it is simply a concrete mix that has a stiff consistency (Zero Slump) which enables it to spread with a special type of paver and which can be compacted under the wheels of vibratory roller. RCC can be placed without formwork at large production rates and can be considered as more economical than conventional pavement quality concrete which is used in rigid pavement applications.