Field Experience on Performance of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete Pavement

Road infrastructure projects constitute huge investments that have to serve the society for a long time. High investing cost involved in these projects has to be justified from the benefits of a concrete pavement with less maintenance and vehicle operation cost over longer design life. Efforts have to be made to avoid premature performance failure of concrete pavements since rehabilitation techniques for these pavements are costlier proposition compared to other pavements. Also there is a need for optimization of component materials used in the construction of these pavements to make them safe, environment- friendly and effective to cater to the demands of increasing traffic. It is imperative to keep a good level of competence between different types of road construction and also keeping the costs low.As per published literature [1], a concrete having minimum cement replacement level of 50% by fly ash is termed as high volume fly ash concrete (HFC). HFC has low heat of hydration, reduced drying shrinkage and better workability. Hence HFC has got all the avenues to become a sustainable material especially for rigid pavement application. A minimum grade of M30 concrete which results in a minimum static flexural strength of 3.9 N/mm2 has been specified for pavement quality concrete by Indian Roads Congress [2].