Extruded Polystyrene Sheets for Road Construction
Use of Extruded Polystyrene Sheets (XPS) in the construction of the Zojila Approach Road has been especially effective as XPS is the most suitable, convenient, and cheaper solution for mitigating frost action on pavements, increasing the life of pavements, and safeguarding their structural integrity.
Extruded polystyrene sheet is a thermoplastic polymer which is formed from general purpose polystyrene by the process of extrusion. XPS has a closed cell structure and virtually no air voids and is often stronger, with a higher mechanical performance. Polystyrene is generally a synthetic polymer made from the monomer styrene, which is derived from benzene and ethylene, both of which are petroleum products. Polystyrene foams are 95-98% air. XPS has been widely used for thermal insulation since the last 40 years; it is commonly used as building insulation material, such as in insulating concrete forms and structural insulated panel building systems. Finished boards of XPS can be used for insulation in the temperature range of -150˚C to 70˚C.