Emerging Sustainable Practices in Highway Pavements Construction
Sustainability is a key issue facing today’s society. The goal of sustainability is to make the world suitable for future generations. There is increasing awareness that certain human activities and development practices are adversely affecting the planet’s well-being and thereby threatening the existence of the future generations. Most notably, the burning of fossil fuels for energy production and transport are implicated in forcing global climate change and increased greenhouse gas emissions with extreme environmental and human health impacts. Highway agencies and engineers are also rising to the occasion by actively promoting sustainability-oriented engineering practices and projects. Although the principles of sustainability are widely implemented in other construction activities related to infrastructure development such as building industries with standard provisions, these principles are not yet widely implemented in highway pavement design and construction. This paper presents some emerging sustainable practices being adopted such as recycling of slabs of cement concrete road, reclaimed asphalt pavement, rubblization etc., for sustainable highway construction.