Constructing Bowstring Girder ROBs on Purvanchal Expressway

Er. Devjyoti Paul, Project Manager & Er. Harpreet Singh, Chief Project Manager, B&SEC, share the technical and construction features of three bowstring girder ROBs, recently constructed under Package I & III of Purvanchal Expressway in the state of Uttar Pradesh; the ROBs are of about 21.25m width, and span lengths of 52m, 58m and 64m c/c expansion joints.
Given India’s huge geographical area, smooth and efficient connectivity is key for its economic progress. With the vision to connect the remotest parts of the country with nodal centers, development of new highways and expressways are being done under various schemes. Whenever a highway/expressway is planned, it crosses existing or planned railway tracks at one or more places which necessitates the construction of ROBs.