Concreting the History - Patel Infrastructure Creates World Record for Laying Pavement Quality Concrete for a 2,580-m long, four-lane highway

Patel Infrastructure, an established construction, development, and maintenance service company and a NHAI contractor, has created a world record in the Infrastructure sector by laying Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) for a four-lane highway of 2,580 meters length, within 24 hours, for the Vadodara-Mumbai Expressway Project. The world record, recognized by the India Book of Records and the Golden Book of World Records, has been achieved in the following four categories:
- Highest Quality Pavement Quality Concrete in 24 hours
- Largest Quantum of Concrete produced by Ready Mix Concrete Plant in 24 hours
- Laying of Pavement Quality Concrete continuously in 24 hours
- Area of Rigid Pavement Quality Concrete laid in an Expressway in square meters in 24 hours.
PQc Groove cutting contractor 9799859893
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