“Nal Se Jal” - SPML Infra Playing Key Role in Developing Water Infrastructure in India

The water resources in India are under tremendous pressure as availability of safe drinking water is not sufficient to cater the population demand. The rate of groundwater withdrawal is extremely high as compared to available supplies. The effect of expanding cities will see the demand for fresh water supply rising exponentially and with limited resources; India may become a water starved nation. Over-exploitation of groundwater, failure to recharge aquifers, reduction in catchment capacities due to uncontrolled urbanization and no reuse facility for treated wastewater are all causes for the precarious tilt in the water balance. If the present rate of groundwater depletion persists, India will have only 22% of the present daily per capita water available by 2050, possibly forcing the country to import water. The other prominent challenge being faced by water sector is the ageing infrastructure of distribution system. Water utilities in India are faced with the crucial need to address these challenges and revamping of infrastructure on priority for the economic, social, and environmental implications.