Smart Cities as Business Hubs

Dr. K M Soni, Chief Engineer, WZ-I, CPWD, Mumbai
As per the Ministry of Urban Development report, it is estimated that at present 31% i.e. 377 million people are living in urban areas of the country. In the next 15 years, this will increase by another 157 million and by 2050 another 500 million, when more than half of the country's population will be living in urban areas. Since more than 70% of urban people live in 468 cities or towns with more than one lakh population, cities need to be developed in a planned way, catering the requirements of the future hence concept of smart cities has been brought by the government. The government has already announced developing 100 smart cities. It is estimated that 7 lakhcr would be required for developing 100 smart cities in next 20 years but considering inflation rate in the country, the figure may further go up.
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NBM&CW January 2016