A Study on Cable Stayed Footbridge
The holy place Gangambika Temple is submerged under back water of Malaprabha dam for a period more than eight months in a year. Therefore, Government of Karnataka has taken a forward step to restore this site keeping devotees problems in mind. By looking into site and client requirements architectural plans and elevation are prepared. Components involve in this project are dry well of 17 m diameter which is going to construct around the temple keeping temple at the center. The cable stayed bridge having dimensions of 4m width and 90 m overall span, has been proposed for accessibility. The study on the footbridge has been taken for present work.
In this present work, the analysis and design of cable stayed footbridge has been done by using the programme written in excel sheets. The various components of bridge are designed using the programs written in excel spreadsheets. The study has been carried out for variation in spans (distance between cable spacing) for cable stayed bridge, having single tower and double towers at single side and also at double side. The study shows that the design is economical for double side towers.