Indian Concrete Institute, New Delhi and Gurgaon Centres in association with Chalk Talk, jointly organized a two-day seminar, namely “ConTech 2024” in New Delhi from February 23rd to 24th, 2024. The theme of the event was ‘Let’s Construct Future: Vision 2050. The 25 technical talks by eminent speakers gave attendees a comprehensive understanding of the future of concrete technology and upcoming transformations in the construction industry. The event was graced by Dr. O.P Tripathi, Engineer-in-chief of Delhi PWD and her Excellency Mrs Capaya Rodriguez Gonzalez, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Er. Pradeep Garg, Chairman of the ICI New Delhi Centre, welcomed the speakers and delegates and set the stage for discussions on upcoming innovative construction technologies and materials in construction industry for a sustainable development. Er. Anurag Sinha, Chairman, ICI Gurugram Centre, highlighted the importance of concrete in human society, being the second most utilized material on earth, after water.
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