Waterproofing – Grouting and Arresting High Volume Water Ingress
Grouting and Arresting High Volume Water Ingress
Which one to use, When, and Why?Cementitious and chemical grouts share a common category and name, but the distinct differences far outweigh the common qualities. Both the types of grouts are used in civil applications ranging from sewer pipe rehabilitation to new tunnel or shaft construction, used to fill narrow cavities/cracks, rock fissures or to permeate soils for the control of groundwater, void filling or to increase structural support of the geology. Although cement and chemical grouts can differ in composition, application, and cost, they are complementary products on the same projects. This paper will help you to explore when and why to use the various types of grouts. The practice of injecting grouts and the wide array of grout products available can make choosing the right grout for the project complicated. Because it is difficult to summarize the complexity of the topic into a single paper, some specific topics within this paper have been generalized for simplicity.