Record Concreting of over 6,50,000 m3 by Patel Engineering Ltd.

A record concreting of over 6,50,000 m3 in 12 months was achieved by Patel Engineering Ltd at Ghatghar Roller Compacted Concrete Dam project.
Two Schwing Stetter Concrete Batching and Mixing plants–Models HN 3.0 (120 m3/hr) and one HN 4.0 (160 m3/hr) were installed aggregating to 400 m3/hr batching capacity. The plants had twin shaft mixers and the control system was Stetter MCI 300 system.
Ghatghar Pumped Storage Scheme is a hydropower generation project constructed by Irrigation Department Govt. of Maharashtra. Total 250 MW power will be produced from this hydro power plant. Three dams Saddle Dam No. 1, 2, and Upper Dam, build up the upper reservoir. Lower dam builds up the lower reservoir. Water conductor system consists of inclined underground pressure shaft and the underground powerhouse, which has two units of 125 MW turbines. These turbines act as reversible pumps. In nonpeak hours the water from the Lower Dam reservoir, which will be filled with water, and stored after power generation, will be pumped back to Upper Reservoir. Saddle Dam No. 1, Upper Dam and Lower Dam are built in Roller Compacted Concrete.